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7 Tips To Buy The Right Water Filtration System For Your Home | Water Filtration System In Henderson, NV

The drinking water supplied in the US generally meets the safety standards specified by the Safe Drinking and Water Act 1974. However, experts have suggested that the drinking water supplied to households does not meet modern safety standards.

An article published in The New York Times found that public drinking water contained unsafe lead levels. The contaminated tap water has been found in city after city including Sebring, OJ, Durham and Greenville, NC, Columbia, SC, Jackson, Miss., and Flint, Mich. While the federal officials state that most of the country’s public water system is safe, the incidence of contaminated tap water in certain cities in unsettling indeed.

When it comes to ensuring a safe water supply for the household, you can take action by installing a water filtration system. A water filtration system in Henderson, NV can ensure that the family members are not exposed to harmful chemicals that can adversely affect their health. Here are seven tips that can help you to buy the right water filtration system in Henderson, NV for your home.

1.   Know About the Requirements

The first step that you must take when buying a water filter is to know about your home’s water requirements. This information is important when it comes to ensuring that you buy the right type of water filter for your home. The water filtration system in Henderson, NV that you buy for your home will need to be able to match the capacity for the contaminated water that you need to filter.

Units that can filter large amounts of water at a time will obviously cost more as compared to units with smaller water processing capacities. You need to ensure that the water filtration system in Henderson, NV, that you buy will meet your requirement. A water filtration system with less capacity to filter the water will have a noticeably low flow rate. This will cause great inconvenience for the household. That is why you need to make sure that the water filter that you buy can adequately meet the household’s requirements.

2.   Find Out the Filtration Technology

Another important thing that you need to consider when buying a water filtration system in Henderson, NV is its filtration mechanism specifics. Generally, a multistage filter is recommenced as it can remove more contaminants as compared to single-stage filters. Multistage filters can remove chlorine, lead, parasites, bacteria, pharmaceuticals, and other harmful chemicals. Some of the filters also feature reverse osmosis technology that consists of semi-permeable membranes. These filters can flush the highest number of contaminants out of the water.

However, keep in mind that a water filtration system in Henderson, NV with advanced filtration technology will cost more than ordinary filters. But you should not just buy the costliest filter that offers the maximum protection against contaminants. This will result in a wastage of money. Instead, you should determine what contaminants are present in the drinking water and take appropriate measures.

You should get help of a state-certified water tester to know about the contaminants present in the water. In this way, you will know whether to install a basic filter to improve the taste or buy a more sophisticated filter to eliminate pollutants from the water.

3.   Select the Right Type of Water Filter

Water filtration systems are available in different varieties. They can be generally categorized into two categories: permanent and nonpermanent. The countertop, pitcher, and faucet-mounted water filters are examples of nonpermanent filters. These are best for renter or dorm residents who cannot modify the living space. An example of permanent water filter includes an under-sink water filter. This type of filter requires drilling a hole to connect it with the faucet. Installing a permanent water filtration system in Henderson, NV requires the expert skills of a plumber.

In addition, the usage of the filtered water will determine the type of filters that will be suitable for your home. A pitcher will suffice for drinking water. On the other hand, if you want filtered water for cooking, you should install an under-sink or countertop filter.

4.   Buy Only Certified Water Filters

You must buy a water filtration system that has been certified by the Water Quality Association (WQF) and NSF International. Never buy a filtration system just because the manufacturer claims that the product has been tested and removes all kinds of pollutants. The test done by the manufacturer is not always valid.

Instead, the filter’s ability to remove impurities must be verified by an independent organization. You can search online for water filter models that are certified by the WQF and NSF International.

5.   Know About the Required Accessories

Before buying a water filtration system in Henderson, NV, you should find out whether you need to buy additional accessories with it or not. The reason is that not all the water filter will be compatible with the existing sink, faucet, and plumbing. Sometimes, you may need to buy a faucet adaptor or other accessories such as icemaker hookups or extension hoses. Also, some water filtration systems come with faucets that are available in different finishes that can match with the existing home décor. Knowing about the additional requirements before buying the water filtration system in Henderson, NV, will ensure that you do not face any difficulty later on.

6.   Find Out About Warranty of the Filter

An important consideration when buying a filtration system is the warranty. While a 90-day warranty may be suitable for pitcher filters, you’ll want a longer warranty of two years or more for advanced filters. You should not overlook the warranty when buying the filtration system for your home.

7.   Research About the Company

You should do proper research on the companies that manufacture and install water filtration systems in Henderson, NV. Read online reviews to find out whether their customers are satisfied with their products. You should also ask for some references before you make a purchase. Make sure that the company does not have a low BBB rating due to bad customer service. This at least will give you some confidence that you are buying the right unit for your home from a trusted manufacturer.

For more information on a water filtration system in Henderson, NV, you can contact Craig’s Plumbing Services at 702-496-3892.