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8 Signs That You Need To Schedule A Water Line Repair | Henderson, NV

The water line leading to your Henderson, NV home is one of the most critical components of your plumbing system. It is responsible for delivering clean, clear water to your faucets, showerheads, and toilets.

If your water line is broken, it can cause various issues inside and outside the home, such as flood damage and street damage. Because a broken water line can be so damaging, it is essential that you can recognize the signs that you need to schedule an appointment for water line repair. It is essential that you can recognize the signs early. The sooner you recognize an issue, the sooner the issue can be repaired, which will reduce the amount of damage the break can cause.

If you are experiencing any of the following signs, schedule an appointment for water line repair.

#1 Frequent Clogs

It is not uncommon for the drains in your home to get clogged from time to time. Regardless of how careful you are with what you put down the drain, grease, food, soap scum, hair, and other debris will still get down the drain causing a clog.

If you notice that your drains are frequently clogging and getting harder and harder to clear, the issue may not be with the drain but with the waterline. When you schedule an appointment for a repair, the plumber will inspect the water line to determine if it is the cause of the frequent drain clogs.

#2 Noisy Fixtures

When you turn on the water, you shouldn’t hear more than the water flowing. If you hear any of the following sounds, there is a good chance that you need to schedule an appointment for water line repair.

  • Pipes clanging when you turn the water on.
  • Your toilet gurgles when you turn on the faucet.
  • Whistling or dripping sounds when the water is running.

These sounds could indicate that the pipes in your home are damaged; however, it could also be a sign that there is an issue with your water line. When you call a plumber, they will inspect your plumbing system to determine if the issue is with the pipes or if they need to perform a repair.

#3 Poor Water Pressure

Poor water pressure can be a hassle. If you aren’t getting adequate flow, it can make simple household tasks difficult. Also, if your water pressure is poor, your washing machine and dishwasher won’t function properly.

If just the hot water pressure is poor, the issue could be with your water heater. When sediment builds up inside the water tank, it can clog the lines, resulting in poor water pressure.

If the hot and cold water pressure is poor, you may need to schedule an appointment for water line repair. If you aren’t getting any water at all, the waterline may have ruptured completely.

When you schedule an appointment for repairs, the cause could be excess mineral deposits or a tree root puncture.

When you schedule an appointment for repairs, a plumber will inspect your plumbing system to find the root of the problem. The sooner you make the call, the sooner your water pressure will return to normal.

#4 Pooling Water

Unless there was a recent rainstorm, there should never be water pooling on your awn. If there is, there could be a broken water line under the ground. Soggy patches of grass and extra-lush grass or overgrown plants are also signs of a problem. When the water leaks into the soil, it adds extra moisture to the ground, which allows the grass and plants to grow faster.

If you notice any of these signs, you should schedule an appointment for water line repair immediately. If you ignore the issue, the waterline will continue leaking, causing more damage to your property. It can also waste a significant amount of water.

#5 Discolored Water

The water coming into your Henderson, NV home should come out clear. If the water is yellow or brown, you could have an issue with your water heater. The problem could also be with the waterline and would require an immediate water line repair. When rust builds up on the pipe leading to your property, it can come out in the water. Because contaminated water isn’t safe for use, it is essential to schedule an appointment for repairs immediately.

#6 High Water Bills

If your water bills are significantly higher than usual and your water demand hasn’t changed, you should schedule an appointment for water line repair. A leaking water line can waste a significant amount of water, which will show up when you get your water bill. When you schedule an appointment for repairs, the plumber will inspect your system to find the leak and make the necessary repairs.

#7 Warm Basement Floor

Because your basement floor is underground, it should always be cool to the touch. If you notice warm spots on your basement floor, you should schedule an appointment for a repair. There could be a hot water leak under your foundation. If you see any other issues such as a wet floor, mold, or cracks on the basement floor, you should call for repairs right away. These are signs that the water line has been leaking for a while and should be fixed immediately.

#8 Cracks In the Foundation

The most serious signs that you need to schedule an appointment for water heater repair are sudden cracks in the foundation of your Henderson, NV home or the basement walls. This often happens when there has been a leak in the waterline for an extended period of time. This is a very serious issue, and you should call a plumber for a repair immediately.

Why Choose Craig’s Plumbing?

If you need to schedule an appointment for water line repair, don’t waste your time on a Google search. Instead, schedule an appointment with Craig’s Plumbing. We are a family-owned and operated business that has been serving customers in Las Vegas since 1997. Thanks to our excellent service over the years, we have an excellent reputation in the community and the industry.

All of our plumbers are highly trained, skilled, licensed, and insured.

To schedule an appointment for water line repair or any plumbing service, give us a call today.