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Water Management Tips For Businesses

Whether it is for the purpose of tracking utility costs or playing a role in caring for the environment, businesses must be keen on properly addressing leaks and being smart about their water usage.

The first step towards proper water management in the business setting is to identify the problem. Prepare an audit of your consumption and let this serve as the benchmark for the steps you will undertake.

“For example, where the biggest chunk of water consumption is and where the water consumption might not be sustainable,” says says Derk Kuiper, executive director of Water Footprint Network in Enschede, the Netherlands.

“Understand where the negative effects of your water footprint are greatest and prioritise,” adds Kuiper. From here, you can set targets for consumption targets that would best suit your needs.

It can also be useful to educate staff on the effects of over consumption down the line. Even simple leaks or forgetting to turn off faucets can incur unwanted costs that can easily be avoided by being responsible.

Business owners can also ask for expert advice on how to make their water usage more efficient. There are several ways to reuse water like using it for cooling and then for cleaning purposes afterwards.

Moreover, retrofitting water fixtures and installing flow controllers, efficient faucets and toilets, investing in rainwater harvesting equipment, and the like cam help save significant volumes of water.