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Stories From Craig The Plumber

As a long time plumbing contractor, Craig has seen his fair share of interesting and noteworthy clients. Just by listening to what he considers to be memorable moments, you are bound to learn a lot about what to, and not to, do in the world of plumbing.

Plumbing Fails

Ironically many of the most horrific recaps Craig the Plumber comes up with are not generally created by his clients, but rather by under qualified plumbers which came before him. “Nothing irritates me more,” says Craig, “than when a plumber comes out, charges people premium prices to do nothing or to do it cheap and wrong.”

A quick Internet search will inevitably stir up a plenty of stories along these lines. From educated homeowners getting charged for unnecessary return visits, to unsavory plumbing contractors not completing the work they are charging for. The worse stories are when homeowners find themselves in emergency plumbing situations, and because they aren’t currently contracting with an emergency plumbing company, they can’t find anyone to come resolve their issues.

24 Hour Service in a 24 Hour Town

In Las Vegas we are known for being a 24 hour town. Our swing shift labor force wake up at 7 o’clock at night, and get home at 4 o’clock in the morning. It would be the equivalent of an office professional getting up at 7 a.m. and getting home at 4 p.m. There are no excuses for alleged 24/7 emergency plumbing companies to not service the people that keep our wonderful city running around the clock.

The worst plumbing story we heard was when a plumbing company “ran out of time” for the service, they still had time to charge the customer for the job, and said that they would “be back later” to finish the job. Weeks later, without the technician even returning a call, these poor homeowners found themselves with a real emergency. Their horrific tale starts with them wanting to avoid an emergency situation, continues with them receiving work from a company that didn’t finish the job, charged them for a “year of service calls” and ended with them finally contacting Craig’s Plumbing.

Where a Reputation Gets You

We are often dumbfounded how these plumbing companies stay in business. A quick search reveals one and two star ratings for many of them. While people are always more likely to give you a negative review than a great one, beware of a plumber’s reputation. Read reviews with an open mind. and remember to read between the lines. But a one or two star rating on any site should be a clear indicator of poor service, and remember to always use a licensed and bonded contractor. If you do, there is always recourse for you, the homeowner.

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